Kamae No kata


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A brief introduction to the Kamae of bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Kamae no kata

In Budo Taijutsu (and other martial arts) we learn postures, this does not mean that the postures are static.

To learn the postures (known as kamae) is one of the first tasks for a new practitioner, from these postures all other movements both unarmed and armed evolve.

The Kamae no kata is one way of learning the positions that one will use in the study of Budo Taijutsu, some groups may study the kamae no kata alone, whilst others will study the movements of the Kihon Happo.

Our group uses both methods as a way of internalizing the kamae within the movements of Taijutsu.

Once the kamae have been learned and one can flow through them and interchange the motions, and the kamae, one is able to go on to further elements of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.

These further elements will include the use of the body as a weapon and the study of weapons themselves.

The Kamae in the picture are not the only Kamae used in the Bujinkan. These are from my notes and other people will have the same or similar.

Thanks to the person who supplied the drawings.



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